Cocoa Beach Chamber’s Cory Skeates Appointed to Florida Association of Chamber Professionals Board of Directors

August 14, 2024
Corydon Skeates
VP of Community Development Cory Skeates to Serve on FACP Board
Merritt Island, FL – The Cocoa Beach Regional Chamber of Commerce proudly announces the appointment of Chamber Vice President of Community Development, Cory Skeates, JD, FCCP, IOM, to the Florida Association of Chamber Professionals (FACP) Board of Directors. Skeates will begin his three-year term in September 2024 and will also chair FACP’s Advocacy Committee, which he established during his tenure as Chair of the association in 2020-2021.
Skeates previously served on the FACP Board from 2016 to 2022, culminating in his selection as Chair for the 2020-2021 term. He joins Cocoa Beach Chamber President & CEO Jimmy Lane, IOM, on the Board of Directors. The Cocoa Beach Chamber is currently the only chamber in Florida with two representatives on the FACP Board, underscoring its commitment to excellence in chamber operations and leadership.
“Having served in the chamber industry for 17 years, including three terms as a CEO, it is an honor to be selected by my peers to give back to an organization that has significantly contributed to my professional development and to share my experience with fellow chamber professionals,” said Skeates.
In addition to his role with FACP, Skeates is a member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for Organization Management’s (IOM) Board of Regents for the Southeast Institute. This program, designed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, aims to enhance individual performance, elevate professional standards, and recognize nonprofit professionals who demonstrate essential knowledge in nonprofit management.