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Government Affairs Committee

Accelerate Brevard's Government Affairs Committee (GAC) actively monitors legislative developments that may affect businesses at the local, state, and federal levels. Committee members analyze key issues, review pending legislation, and provide recommendations to the Chamber's Board of Directors on whether to support or oppose specific policies. Additionally, the GAC keeps investors informed about legislative and regulatory activities, issuing calls to action when necessary.

Each year, the GAC establishes the Chamber's legislative priorities, which are outlined in a comprehensive Legislative Agenda. This agenda is presented to the Brevard legislative delegation and other key policymakers during the Chamber's annual advocacy trip to Tallahassee.

The GAC also hosts various policy briefings and advocacy-focused events throughout the year. These include the Legislative Wrap-Up Breakfast, State of Series, and Leadership Forums.

2025 GAC Chair: TBD

Chamber Staff Liaison: Cory Skeates, Vice President of Community Development


The GAC monthly meeting is held on the second Wednesday of most months at 8:30 AM at the Chamber office.​

Monthly meetings feature speakers, typically on issues of local importance. 

Please RSVP for the meetings by contacting Cory Skeates, VP of Community Development, at (321) 459-2200 or

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